
From Kokorodatabase

By definition in a dictionary, a mage is a "magician or sorcerer". Since that's a little too general, a mage, according to the Saica Mage System is a being that is able to harness the energy around them in a controlled form, otherwise known as magic.


Who Can Be a Mage?

Quite a bit of beings can actually be mages, since it isn't a specific race. While it originated in all beings in the beginning, the loss of belief in magic caused some races to lose it all together.

While there are no dwarves in the known magical worlds (the deleted world Hoshi, Symphony, Sonnefall), those races in the world have lost magical abilities about five hundred years ago as a result of being too practical and sensible.

The current races that have mages include:

It should be noted that some people consider a Gijinka as a separate race due to the mixture of DNA, but it is officially just an off-shoot of the Human race, just like a Mew Mew or any other magical girl.

Side Effects

There actually are side effects of being able to harness energy, believe it or not. The effects actually depend on the race, but as of now, the effects are pretty minor.

  • For humans, they have a longer life span (not much more noticable than a normal human's, but mages are believed to live about a hundred and five years)
  • All hold control over a specific element (...obvious?)
  • Alcohol usage becomes more limited for humans and demons; elves are still able to drink unharmed.
  • [more will come soon if they pop up]

Other Known Mages

In the various Final Fantasies, there are many mages. In particular, mages are known by various classes: Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage, and Blue Mage.

For a full explanation of the Square-Enix Mage Systems, see the following articles:

While Kingdom Chronicles is a roleplay, it is heavily based off the canon Final Fantasies.

Examples of Mages


  • Ironically, mages were originally based off the Final Fantasy classes. Over time, the class has been made over to show Saica's interpretation of what magic is like.
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