Akasaka Junri

From Kokorodatabase

Revision as of 22:43, 26 January 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Junri is the Balthier of the Anzu-Junri duo. In short, for those non-FFXII players, she's the one with the charming personality, who manages to stay calm even though they got thrown in prison and there's corpses, and omgwtfweregonnadie. Some say that the secret to her success is that she already long cracked years ago.

Others say lots of caffeine.

In any case, she's somehow managed to keep her sanity despite the fact that she lives in Cafe Mew Mew, in FTMM.

Although Keiichiro does marry Rei later on in FTMM, she's not Jun's mother. Rather, some random woman Keiichiro got together some odd years ago is, but that woman conviniently fell into a plot hole, er...dropped off the face of the earth, when Junri was born, so uh...yeah. 8D

For whatever reason in existence, if only to match Anzu's two-toned hair, or whatever you call it, Junri wears green wefts in her hair, which is naturally brown.


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