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[[/January 2007]]
'''September 1, 2007'''
'''February 23, 2007'''
*[[Cannoli]] and [[Ryou]] have an arm wrestling match while [[Gamu]] consults [[Shinga Shikari|Shikari]] and [[Shirogane Shuugo|Rune]] about her insecurities in regards to continuing her schooling, something Ryou had previously suggested to her.
*[[Kokoro]] apparently reaches a new low today. Upon seeing that [[Kitenshi Kocha]] is still glowing, [[Ryou]] demands that she not touch anyone for fear of her contaminating them. This does not hold for long, however, as Kocha quickly forgets the order. Instead, she suggests game ideas, and later with [[Plum]], reasons why [[Shirogane Ichigo]] might be mad at Ryou. The girl in question finally makes her appearance, and yet again Ryou tries to get information from her. [[Kuroneko Satou]] and Kocha attempt to persuade the catgirl to hug and make up with Ryou. Soon, however, [[Gamu]] interrupts and begins a round of her usual interrogations. When Ichigo still does not offer any explanation, Gamu threatens to use force, to which Ichigo does nothing to stop her, saying she actually feels nothing. Satou is the first to try to stop Gamu's attacks, although Ryou soon yells at the ex-spy to stop; Satou heals the other catgirl. Upset, Ryou begins to yell at Ichigo himself, even going so far as to slap her on the cheek and to tell her she is lying about feeling nothing at all. The others finally leave after Ichi begins crying; she finally admits that she feels like she no longer has a part in Ryou's life, pointing out that he often spends his time and shares his feelings with other people. As Ryou is digging out a first aid kit, he tells her that most of the time he is talking to other people about either her or his father, and that she had said herself that hearing Ryou whine about such was annoying. After apologies, Ichigo admits that she really does have school work to do, so they plan to meet the next day. Gamu and Satou have their own arguments about whether to let people share their feelings on their own time or to pry it out of them. After Satou gets upset, Gamu goes after her because she doesn't want to be alone. After calling to check on things at the cafe, the two go off to visit a crepe stand on their way back to [[Cafe Mew Mew]].
:''"" -''
'''~February 21, 2007 (?)'''
*/August 2007
*[[Kitenshi Kocha]], while working on a recent experiment, ends up blowing up what appears to be a radioactive substance in the backyard near [[Elizabeth]]'s garden. Seeing this, Liz returns home to Shou's appartment in a bad mood, while Kocha does her best to save the plants, coming in contact with the substance herself which turns her skin a glowing green color.
*/July 2007
:''"" -''
*/June 2007
*/May 2007
'''February 14, 2007'''
*/April 2007
* -will update later-
*[[/March 2007]]
*Private RP Postlude: [[Elizabeth Shirogane]], along with [[Jishou]], [[Kirei]], and her new husband [[Shinrai]], visit a seafood restaurant as a Valentines Day "double date". Before entering, Kirei reveals to Liz that she had moved all of her stuff into Shou's appartment. After a somewhat awkward beginning to a conversation, Liz finally reveals to Shou that someone might be moving into his apartment. When she finally states just who that person is, Shou takes her outside and says that he had actually been planning to ask her to move in with him that night, unfortunately, Kirei's plans had ruined his own. The two have their moment after Liz suggests that Shou could forget what everyone else had done and ask her anyway. The two then return inside with Shinrai where the females cut a Valentine's cake. In the midst of all this, Liz ropes Shou into "babysitting" duty.
*[[/February 2007]]
:''"" -''
*[[/January 2007]]
'''February 13, 2007'''
*[[Ryou]] again tries to discover what's up with [[Shirogane Ichigo|Ichigo]], who tells him she has just been very busy. The genius, however, doesn't really buy this. [[Shirogane Nikkou]] visits the cafe with [[Takaishi Sora]]; they beginning talking to [[Gamu]] about Valentines Day, which eventually leads to the discussion of boyfriends and the Shirogane family in general. Hearing this, Ryou gets quite aggravating, stating that his father inparticular has no grounds to be so highly overprotective of him. Nikkou is then dragged out before the conversation goes further out of hand, although it is continued later with [[Roy Bancroft]], who gives Ryou a few suggestions. Ryou also tells him about his recently interrupted sleep patterns to which the other boy explains sounds very similar to the events leading up to [[Memory]]'s appearance in [[Chrono Mew Mew]], but that it happening [[Kokoro|here]] is a bit of a stretch. -will finish later-
:''"" -''
'''February 12, 2007'''
*[[Thalia Crescent]]'s brother [[Lucius Valentine|Lucius]] has a lot of explaining to do, she rants as she drags him into [[Cafe Mew Mew]] by the earlobe. Though [[Kiki Reikaira]] can appreciate having to go into hiding when one's former agency has issued a death warrant for oneself (raising the question of why ''she'' didn't do it, to which she simply replies that she's paid for not doing so), it's still highly amusing that the assumed-dead Turk went around for three years in another dimension dressed as a girl. Thalia asks how they'll ever get home, but as far as her brother's concerned, they should never go home, instead leaving everyone to believe that they're dead-- at least they'll be safe. As the cafe closes, one option remains, and the two decide to leave to [[Kingdom Chronicles]]' version of Radiant Garden.
:''"Are you sure you're not actually hiding from an angry boyfriend?" -Thalia''
'''February 11, 2007'''
*[[Kiki Reikaira]] teaches the [[Sugar Card]] version of [[Kuroneko Satou]] how to make Valentine's chocolate. Meanwhile, [[Shirogane Ichigo|Ichi]] just sits and knits while [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] tries to figure out what's wrong with her. This quest gets more and more desperate as the day goes on, but Ichigo continues to insist that it's stress from work, despite many rebuttals to the contrary. [[Shimizu Arisa|Plum]] is all over this "scandal"... when she's not trying to set all the singles up together or break up the couples for fun. [[Roy Bancroft|Roy]] finally turns Plum's ploy around on her, and as usual, she sulks and says that it's not fair. While Ryou plays with [[Forte]] to fill time before Ichi decides to tell him, Gamu confesses about the frankenplush, and Ichigo actually says she loves it. [[Shirogane Kyr|Kyr]] asks Plum out for Valentine's. After a plot to scare the cafe residents goes wrong, Ryou walks out to think, encounters the enigmatic [[Kunisaki Noriko]] and the always cheerful [[D-kun]], and calls Ichigo, asking more firmly, what is wrong with her...
:''"Learning to Live With Drama... Money Isn't Everything, Never Anger A Girl With A Weapon.... where did all these books come from?" -Ryou''
'''February 10, 2007'''
*[[Shirogane Ryou]] gives [[Kitenshi Kocha|Kocha]] a bit of advice for her testing of [[Super Caffeine|Super Milk]]. [[Shirogane Kouji|Kouji]] and [[Shirogane Kumo|Kumo]] bond over a Hansel and Gretel picture book. [[Sugar Card]]'s Momokeeki Hotaru shows up in [[Cafe Mew Mew]], muttering about an inept teleporter. [[Kuroneko Satou]] feels bad about her ineptitude at cooking and doesn't think she'll make her family happy, so she switches places with her SC counterpart. [[Elizabeth Shirogane|Liz]] does some Valentine's chocolate baking with "special" ingredients to mess with [[Shirogane Jishou|Shou]]. Ryou and [[Kiki Reikaira|Gamu]] notice the Satou switch, and SC Satou confesses. The duo stay the night.
:''"Valentine's chocolate... You know how there's friend chocolate, and love chocolate? Is there hate chocolate? Or indifferent chocolate? I don't know who you are chocolate? There should be." -Kocha''
'''February 9, 2007'''
*Private RP Prelude: [[Roy Bancroft]] drags [[Ryou]] off to go fishing with [[Minoru]] and himself, feeling that the blond needed a break.
*[[Kiki Reikaira]] is mad. [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] has been telling her secrets to everyone he meets for long enough, and she's petrified of the thought of what has happened to her ever getting out. [[Kuroneko Satou]] stands by as an "observer" and assures Ryou that she'll visit his grave every day. On the happier side of the cafe, [[Shirogane Kouji]] adopts [[Shirogane Kumo|Kumo]] as a "sister", as being his aunt is too weird for her. The Fishie Heroes burst into the cafe and, convinced that Captain Planet is real and that cereal box rings will summon him, gather all the fun people into their lunacy. Gamu, very close to breaking, first threatens and then pleads that the [[split]]'s effects on her never be known to anyone, especially the [[mage]]s. As Satou simultaneously stands to guard him and calls him a moron, Ryou confesses that he's already told [[Takaishi Sora|Sora]]. Caught between practically every negative emotion there is, she decides to let Ryou go, if only for the fact that everyone needs him. [[Shirogane Shuugo]]'s brother comes to apologize for how he's treated his counterpart and teaches him a new technique... and Satou tries decorating Mini Mew's Ryou like a Christmas tree.
:''"Guess he tired himself out summoning Captain Whatsis." -Himeno''
'''February 8, 2007'''
*[[Thalia Crescent]] is looking for a job. She's also still looking for her brother, and recovering from time-travel brainbreakage. [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]]'s nightmares have thrown off his sleeping schedule completely, so [[Kitenshi Kocha|Kocha]] invents the opposite of [[Super Caffeine]]: Super Milk! It doesn't yet work for 53 hours like its stay-awake counterpart, but it does put Ryou to sleep faster than [[Kuroneko Satou|Satou]]'s cries to exorcise the "no-sleep demon". [[Maron]] decides that she would like to try tofu again. [[Shinga Shikari]] is trying to avoid getting a cold, but still can't stand the winter weather. Thalia mentions something disturbing she found about her mother in this timeline, and asks silent psychic [[Kunisaki Noriko]] to keep an eye out for her brother. And why is [[Eithne Bunansa]] going on about not hearing something called the Green Wood?
:''"Evil no-sleep demon fly fly away away!" -Satou''
'''February 7, 2007'''
*Happy birthday, [[Charice Gainsborough]]! She comes to the cafe with all her friends, and [[Elizabeth Shirogane|Liz]] bakes her an overly flowery cake. [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] plays with [[Forte]] and lets slip that he's been having bad dreams lately. [[Shirogane Shuugo]] reveals that [[Shirogane Kyr|Kyr]] is allergic to perfume, and Kyr makes another mean crack about [[Shirogane Ichigo|Ichi]]. After badgering from [[Kiki Reikaira]], Ryou reveals that he's been having bad nightmares and losing sleep. The two talk about Ryou's failed plots to get [[Shirogane Jishou|Shou]] to move in with Liz and Gamu's guilt about making the "frankenplush" the way it is without telling Ichi of the failure, and Ryou snaps that he wants to talk about his dreams with a family member, not her. Gamu retorts that Shou is messed up and just being rude to Ryou because he wasn't with "[[Midorikawa Retasu|that other girl]]" anyway. ("Because his authoress ships RxR.") Ryou thinks about why his father doesn't approve of his girlfriend. They begin to talk about their secrets, highly embarassing Gamu as her hidden sides (and love of small children and escapist fan comics) are revealed. Meanwhile, [[Thalia Crescent|Thalia]] wonders where [[Eithne Bunansa|Eithne]] is going to pick her up, and enlists Liz and Kocha to find the half-Viera.
:''"Well, like, Uncle Vincent's emo, so er, yeah." -Tallulah''
'''[[February 6]], 2007'''
*[[Roy Bancroft]] and [[Elizabeth Shirogane]] attempt to save the garden from the frost. Meanwhile, [[Charice Gainsborough]] tries to guilt her brother [[Eris Strife|Eris]] into attending her birthday party, but it seems like his nemesis/crush [[Tallulah]] will be there... she shows up in the cafe and they begin to argue, chase each other around and generally wreck [[Cafe Mew Mew]]. [[Zachary Andrews]] plots to annoy [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] again... [[Kitenshi Kocha|Kocha]] and [[Kiro]] go off to eat and talk about the benefits of knowing what you want versus going in unprepared to the grocery shop. Besides the food part, Ryou seems to have been thinking the same thing-- otherwise, how did he survive when he didn't get [[Shirogane Ichigo|Ichi]] anything? They go out skating instead. Liz and [[D-kun]] go grocery shopping, but the dog gets loose and tries to steal a box of donuts. [[Sarah Cohen]] self-consciously asks Roy about her dye job, to which he replies that it's no big deal. [[Kiki Reikaira]] breaks up the fight between Eris and Tallulah, but they refuse to apologize to each other. Ryou storms back into the cafe late at night, muttering about "overprotective losers"... don't tell me [[Shirogane Shuugo|Shuu]]'s brother is back again.
:''"Well, first of all, happy Ryou-Ichi day to you~" -Ichigo''
'''February 5, 2007'''
*[[Shirogane Ryou]] is out of it after staying up far too late, and is thinking of [[Horrible Gift Ideas|horrible gift ideas]] for his [[February 6|anniversary]] with [[Shirogane Ichigo|Ichi]]. So out of it, in fact, that he doesn't notice [[Shimizu Arisa|Plum]], [[Kitenshi Kocha|Kocha]] and [[Hoshizen Daisuke|Daisuke]] stealing his car. [[Zachary Andrews]] and [[Elizabeth Shirogane]] just shake their heads, and Liz shows [[Mizuhara Minoru|Minoru]] yesterday's pictures. The joyriders go shopping, although the other two show restraint when Plum wants to buy a car or golf cart with Ryou's credit cards. Ichigo drags Ryou out on a walk and interrogates him as to why he said "I'm sorry" and hung up; he eventually tells her, and she draws a heart on his palm, promising that she will never let him disappear. [[Shinga Shikari|Ari]] shows up with [[America Mew Mew|Miles Alesci]], who is looking for [[Shirogane Shuugo|Shuugo]]'s brother-- oh, no, what if he's flirting with [[Midorikawa Retasu|Retasu]] again? [[Kiki Reikaira|Gamu]] gets right on tracking her, but they needn't have worried; the Ryou-alt in question is impersonating [[Shirogane Kyr|Kyr]] again. Our Ryou sees through the deception and walks off alone, angry and confused. Gamu follows him and tells him that he shouldn't feel alone because a lot of people care about him, and [[Shirogane Jishou|Shou]] should realize that, too. She displays some wistful envy towards Ichi, which first brainbreaks Ryou, but he quickly gets over it and begins to wonder about everything. THey walk off, teasing each other about who would wipe the floor with whom in a fair fight.
:''"If I was a bad person, I would have chased down Cerise with a golf club! But I haven't done that~" -Plum''
'''February 4, 2007'''
*[[Shirogane Ryou]] is reading... those weird magazines that say "Bigfoot spotted" and "Celebrity dates giant alien". Weird. [[Shimizu Arisa|Plum]] wants something fun to do, so Ryou suggests Freeze again. Ryou runs through a few amusing scenarios with [[Kitenshi Kocha|Kocha]], while [[Elizabeth Shirogane]] takes photos to show [[Shirogane Jishou|Shou]]-- it's not blackmail, as [[Kiki Reikaira|Gamu]] wondered, but an attempt to connect again. Ryou teases Gamu during a scenario by asking her to marry him, and she plots revenge, not to mention goes to bother him about whatever secret he is keeping now.
:''"Uh... she said he'll like Ichi -eventually-, which prob'ly means once he's worn out their patience enough that they either break up or elope an' get disowned." -Gamu''
'''February 3, 2007'''
*[[Kiki Reikaira]] and [[Forte]] have kept [[Shirogane Ryou]]'s secret. Attempting to hide said secret from [[Emo Kitty]] and [[Shimizu Arisa|Plum]], they go into the lab, where Gamu apologizes, causing a fight over who is responsible. Ryou leaves Gamu alone in the lab, and she sends Forte up to talk to him. The mages come into the cafe and Ryou confesses his problem-- and [[Temporal accident|what Gamu truly is]], which she's been trying to keep secret from them especially. It is implied that Gamu tried to kill herself in the basement to put the timeline back together, but was barraged by telepathic images and drew the attention of [[Murahara Sakura]]. The mages reveal that Ryou is not being written out of the dimension; [[Takaishi Sora]] assures him that there is no way that simply the events surrounding the cafe could cause the dimension to go into a state of "erase and repair". It seems then that someone is out to confuse Ryou and make him doubt himself; this someone then, likely, is a mysterious girl who snuck into Gamu's room to steal her sleep darts. Ryou decides to head for home because there is no immediate threat, but changes his mind at the last minute and visits his [[Shirogane Jishou|father]]'s apartment instead, where he engages in a game of "Freeze" with the other visitors. They also explain to him what likely has happened and help him return his arm to normal, though Ryou feels foolish about the whole ordeal, and remains a bit shaken. Ryou returns home to find that [[Satou]], Cherry, Gamu and Forte had been out searching for them. He apologizes for making them, specifically Satou, worry about him. Gamu puts [[Maron]] to bed, and Alto and Panziko try again to terrorize her out of her fear of cats. Satou eventually gives up, making her "younger sister" feel bad.
:''"So we should... bring confetti poppers to oniichan and pop 'em in his face?" -Satou''
'''February 2, 2007'''
*[[Kitenshi Kocha]], still depressed at the failure of her beach party, asks [[Eithne Bunansa]] and [[Thalia Crescent]] how to make people happy. Thalia says that being there for people and knowing when to help is all that's needed, and asks if her brother's anywhere to be found. Kocha takes everyone to a bridal shop to try on clothes, although [[Maron]] is shy and afraid that people will see her newly-developed bat wing. [[Shirogane Ryou|Ryou]] is also hiding his arm... it's turned invisible. After a short interrogation, [[Kiki Reikaira|Gamu]] exposes it, but doesn't tell anyone. [[Kuroneko Satou]] returns, wondering why anybody would worry about her. Maron clings to Ryou, Satou and even Gamu, whom she feared-- she just doesn't want to be alone. Satou, through a series of misunderstandings, is led to think that Ryou wants to take over the world. Gamu corners Ryou, who tells her that the [[split]] that created [[Kokoro Draft]] has probably damaged the time stream enough that [[Kokoro (dimension)|Kokoro]] is trying to repair itself by doing away with him. He wonders if even the Mew Project was a waste of time. She snaps that he's made a positive difference in many lives, even though she had hated what he'd done, and that if the split kills anyone, it should be her...
:''"Hey, that's gorgeous glorious benefactor to you." -Ryou''
*'''February 1, 2007'''
:[[Eithne Bunansa]], who isn't used to the cold, and [[Akasaka Junri]], who wonders if her new ear piercing is infected, enter a lifeless [[Cafe Mew Mew]]. The boredom is interrupted by [[Kitenshi Kocha]] and her new idea: to transform the cafe into a pseudo-beach and party like it's July! Despite her attempts to engage the cafe in fun, the few people that are there are either disapproving or, in [[Maron]]'s case, petrified. Kocha tries to repair relations with the shy little girl by taking her to the bookstore. Meanwhile, [[Kiki Reikaira]] feels bad for her alternate [[future children|future kid]] and plays with the volleyball game that she had set up, but it gets nowhere. Junri asks if it's okay to hate somebody for a comment about their parentage, which Gamu strongly approves. Could that somebody be [[Shirogane Anzu]]...? Kocha returns and is depressed that no one had any fun or participated in the activities at the party.

Current revision as of 19:52, 1 September 2007

September 1, 2007

  • Cannoli and Ryou have an arm wrestling match while Gamu consults Shikari and Rune about her insecurities in regards to continuing her schooling, something Ryou had previously suggested to her.
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