
From Kdwiki

the following is a short summary of the online in-game statuses.


[edit] Banned

These people cannot even access the game, and often, neither can their brothers or sisters if IP banned. These people are often never to return, but since the Ban list seems to be destroyed so often, it doesn't matter all that much.

  • no power whatsoever

[edit] Member

Members have no role except to explore, chat, and other things. You have absolutely NO WORRIES when a Member

  • playing power only
  • should make up about 80% of the game population

[edit] Moderator

This group gets the power to kick members if they are being disrespectful, warp people out of sticky situations, and tell everyone what's going on about secret projects. They may not seem like they're worth much to the staff, but they're quite useful

  • Secret keepers and record holders most often

[edit] Mapper

These guys build the places you walk around in, they are the liver of the game. Whatever they do affects pretty much everything else. To even be able to reach this, you must demonstrate much patience, and an advanced mapping ability, such as using layers properly and choosing the best tilesets all from one sheet.

  • can change sprites
  • mapping powers

[edit] Developers

This is DEV for short. They have the power to make NPC's, Emotes, Items, Scripts, and other things. This is pretty much the most powerful you can get, without wasted force.

  • Can scipt
  • Can make NPC's
  • Often make detailed quests

[edit] Administrators

This is the purple title, and it takes extreme work. There have been only two false admin cases in recorded history, as compared to the other ones. These people are very reliable and are often the most called upon for problems. They seem to be chosen for high social skills

[edit] Creators

These people, well, they control all with a golden name. You must not annoy them even, or they could banish you for life. These people are usually hiding from even the STAFF, because they like being alone. Such power causes attention. Usually if you befriend one you can get pretty much everything, but with recent happenings, that should have stopped.

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