Main Page
From Jmri
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Whats this?
This Wiki is an attempt to document the JMRI suite. We're hoping to utilize the power inherent in the Wiki approach to get it done by the JMRI community at large. We don't know whether this will work, but we've already had some great contributions from a few dedicated souls!
Donations to the JMRI project can be made on the donations page should you wish to contribute some of your hard earned! Contributions made via this link also ensure that Sourceforge is happy to host 'our stuff', which is nice!
What is the JMRI Suite?, Where can I get it?
Firstly, JMRI (Java Model Railroad Interface) is free and open-source software, but there are some restrictions. Generally, you have to give us credit if you use all or part of it to build your own software. For more details, see the copyright, trademark and license page.
Briefly, it comprises a number of programs which can be used to program DCC decoders, to run a DCC layout, or to monitor a LocoNet environment.
-- DecoderPro (to program decoders) -- PanelPro (to run a layout) -- LocoNet Tools (a set of Digitrax specific LocoNet Tools) -- DispatcherPro (??)
The JMRI homepage is the 'official' homepage of the project.
The suite may be downloaded from the JMRI software download page. Prebuilt versions exist for computers running Windows (98se on), Mac (Classic and OSX) and Linux.
What do I need to run JMRI?
Can I try the program without any layout connection?
Now what?
Assuming you've visited the above links and determined that you have the necessary prerequisites the next thing is to connect it to the command station, or the Loconet simulator. Instructions on various configurations follow:
- Instructions for installation without a layout
- MacOS X with Digitrax
- MacOS X with Lenz
- Information on scripting.
- Please add others!
An introduction to Decoderpro page also exists, but you couldn't get there-from-here....
The FAQ page (will) contain(s) some notes on upgrading from previous releases and other useful 'tidbits'.
1.7.3 Release Notes
The (very) imminent release of this long awaited new version is likely to be 'the biggest yet' for the JMRI suite! The 1.7.3 release notes page is the place to go for late breaking news.