From Jmri

Revision as of 20:58, 21 February 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

This FAQ should be the first place to check for answers to your questions. Many times the answer is hidden in the mists of our Yahoo group archives. Hopefully this page may help those mists clear!

No Loco Detected

With thanks to Paul Bender for the following notes:

Basically, the error "no loco detected" means that the decoder didn't respond when the command station sent out the programming request. On a Lenz system, this is the same as getting an "Error 2" when programming from a hand held throttle.

One possible cause of this is that the CV requested isn't actually defined in the decoder. See if you can read the problem CV using a hand held throttle. If you get the same result on the handheld, then the CV may not actually be defined.

Timeout talking to command station

This message is saying that your command station and JMRI are not communicating. Typical causes are incorrect 'com' port settings, baud rate, and other arcane H/W stuff that is discussed in, at present, various different places unfortunately. If the program is starting up, but the programming options are 'greyed out' the JMRI Preferences setup page may be able to help.

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