Talk:Main Page

From Jmri

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haha nice one, i couldn't have said that better.
Let's not get to excited about adding content here just yet - we should take the time to create some templates for information so that we don't have to go back and redo pages.  It might be a good idea to pop over to Wikipedia and take a good close look at how they do things before we start. We don't have to copy everything they do, but we don't have to re-invent the wheel, either.

Current revision as of 12:36, 8 September 2012

Let's not get to excited about adding content here just yet - we should take the time to create some templates for information so that we don't have to go back and redo pages. It might be a good idea to pop over to Wikipedia and take a good close look at how they do things before we start. We don't have to copy everything they do, but we don't have to re-invent the wheel, either.

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