Thus, Spake Mamareeko

From Intelligent Shit Music

Critically acclaimed title track on Thus Spake Mamareeko, the song features the classical piece Thus Sprach Zarathrustra warped around a Mamareeko tune.

[edit] Lyrics

You say you don't bother,
'bout Mamareeko
You say you don't bother,
To come to his shows
You say he won't find out,
But I think the boy knows

And when he comes on home...
There's gonna be hell to pay.

You're telling some lies,
Enough to make your nose grow.
You got a dark secret,
Which no one could ever know.
You're in your sisters room,
Trying on her clothes.

And when she comes on home...
There's gonna be hell to pay.

He thought was a God,
His name was Bono.
He wore glasses indoors,
So no one would ever know.
His eyes were full,
Of an evil red glow.

So when he comes on home...
There's gonna be hell to pay.

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