If you so choose

From Intelligent Shit Music

1.communISM comes a knocking at my door (unanswered version)

some old 50s samples and noise bursts...was originally a 20 minute song I edited it down to 13 seconds, basically just a mini intro

2. joke

this features ateaser happy kat and is like a classical song with woody allen sample, it's ok.

3. the erosion

this song was done for the gloophole and starts off with ambience, then folk rock then develops into death metal and ends on poppy happiness! it's half decent aye.

4. a megatonnage of indo-european robots

ahh this is the first track I did many many parts, it's pretty epic stuff

5. freiburg

a slice of guitar pop

6.daemons (sold your soul in hell)

heavy bass and screaming=gold

7. the merry goo goo! (viscosity=-1) go! round to hell

this was my fucking freaking out with my guitar for 2 minutes then some effects were added and it sounds like a merry go round...it's a real crazy fucked up song.

8. the crab-nebula

this was just me jamming with my piano but we sorta...built it up and now it's an epic rock song...it's kinda crappy but the drum+piano+guitar freakout at the end is cool.

9. hale-bopp

this track started with me just like screaming hale-bopp but I quite like it, it's fun and inspired by the beach boys

10. hofaa

not much to say about this one the aliens from planet hofaa come down and ridicule hale bopp which has crashed into and destroyed the crab nebula...a 24 second acid folk jam, it's bittersweet

11. hyperkinetic syndrome

inspired by a friend of mine at school who has hyperkinetic sydrome it also has a guitar line similar to that in the ersosion, it references lyrics from the erosion, it's me doing some freestyling vocals, turned out okay I guess.

12. the earth is crying

hohoh I remember making this I listened to 4 hours of coil and became obsessed with ambience so I made my own, It features mainly some slowed down sound recorder stuff and some weird guitar plucking and running water sound near the end.

13. pink silk panties and glassy woodchucks

ash told me to make this, it's more multipartness which is something I did a lot on this album.

14. polyrhythmic lashings

schlock said: 'the communist ninjas go pop!??!' that's a pretty accurate description, 42 second poppy thing

15. electronicats

pretty shite title but I was so used to it being electronica, it got a great reception in the loophole even though I posted it as a joke, I wanted to make a real cool electronica song with drum machines and stuff and it's over 7 mins long, one of the albums epics.

16. transmission log

this track has an interesting atmorphere, is pretty originals, hpynotoad made it before he disappeared, it's cool

17. jagiello dynasty(what happened to polish empieRsquared didn't exist[burn warsaw]

3 secs of sound recorded stuff a mini intro to monkey warfare.

18. monkey warfare

this is me making a sound recorder song, I layered so much for this and that's why it is so insane, (stop the reactor!!)

19. something has changed jew socialist jews!

the second of the big epics, part 2 of track 4, took a long time to make but yeah.

20. solidarnoss (lech lech walesa!)

my tribute to the man lech! whose policy of solidarnoss really paid off!

21. surf the freeway

communist ninjas do surf pop really craply, vocal harmonies and bouincy guitars and really crappy random improvisd lyrics by me.

22. ebidishzucker!!

crazy hypnotic German chanting by hypnotoad and his girlfriend

23. the dragonhead horses and the pedestal of doom

guitar thing with mini electro breakdowns

24.the dollman died expsunging painkillers from jeff tweedy's chest

the moving tale of the dollman ! jeff with his folk indie status managed to cover this shit up, fucker, the dollman just wanted the solo on at least that's what you said to be another 5 minutes long damnit!

25. white trsh/white noise

some white noise screaming...it's quite melodic white noises though and I did some of that constellation continuing next track with end of track before....I also sampled tv show arthur which was on at the time of making....I did this fucking late like the day before yesterday

26. fuck the propaganda machine

me fucking with a radio hypnotoad fucking with a turntable basically just as a relief, the radio stuff is punishing

27. machines always beat humans

some ambience, sampled me playing a little ocarina ditty on ocarina of time and loads of fucked up vocal stuff stereo produced and stuff

28. sslurp

a rocker with tea slurpping noises, generally we need more samples of people eating or drinking in songs

29. audio terrorISM

you may know tracks 'mr pink theme' and 'taming wild opressed rabbits fake version' this is a fusion of the two because I ahted them both.....it's mad I did it last night it is one of my least favourites.

30.medieval twin swordsman restrained from duelling by beams of light

basically 8 and a half minutes of guitar noises, it's quite fillery! but also listenable

31. the farm

some samples of farmyard animals, it's moving as hell one the pig at the end sounds like a heartbeat, it's metphor galore!

32.the austrian national anthem

the austrian national anthem by hypnotaod, I like it

33. bobby mac

this sounds a bit HCish in some ways it's just like people fucking around sorta loosely, but not me it's hypnotoad and his girlsfriend again

34. the ballad of zealotron and gnomefish

I had been listening to a silver mt zion ALL day and decided to do a piano thing so I wa sjust jamming on the keyboard and added some strings and there is a cool guitar solo, but in the end it sounded more like a song from a disney film, and the only resemblance to ASMZ is shitty efrimm style vocals but worse

35. an ode to a hypnotoad,a group of occult satanic toadworshipers (hiding in the marshes) get a jobquadrafuzzing cryptic messages from aquatic vertebrates with dwarf like featurs written in lore spoken in language which can only be deciphered by blind elflin penguin librarians deep in the murky swamps of planet hofa ( I cannot handle death0h<leach whales sea>

stupid title in the end I couldn't even fit it on the title in the thing.

36. industrially polluted minds

back where the album started (almost) strings and a sample from crimes and misdemeanors.

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