1st International Conference and Cultural Event (ICCE) of Aceh, October 21-22, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii

From Indopedia


  • The 1st International Conference and Cultural Event (ICCE) of Aceh will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 21 & 22, 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The ICCE of Aceh 2008 is organized through a collaboration of over ten international Acehnese student associations around the globe. International graduate students, scholars and community workers across Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and the United States are kindly invited to join approximately 60 international Acehnese graduate students and participants in order to provide inputs as well as to endorse a wider opportunity for researchers and academics activity. As an interdisciplinary conference, we welcome applications from international graduate students engaged in research on topics: Natural Disaster, Conflict Resolution, Peace Building, Islam and Democracy, Disaster Management, Peace Building, Ethnic Identity and Culture, and Recovery and Development; enclosed by the theme, "Beyond Tsunami: The Aceh Experience and International Application"
  • A group of graduate students and scholars can also propose to organize a special session of their specific interest on research about Aceh. The organizer will try their best to accommodate any proposed special session into the overall agenda of the conference. However, it is strongly recommended that funding for such session to be borne or secured by those who propose them.
  • Presentations are 20 minutes long and will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The paper and proposal must include a 200 to 250 word maximum abstract. Student's contact information including: full name, university affiliation, field(s), and a current email address, should be at the top of every document submitted.
  • Abstracts should demonstrate a clear focus or statement of the problem, a coherent argument, knowledge of previous research, and a statement of the implications for the selected ICCE of Aceh 2008's theme.
  • The online and postmark deadline for submission of Abstract is Thursday, July 31, 2008.
  • Address for submissions:

-- Online: acehconf@gmail.com

-- Postal mail: LAC - Aceh Conference, c/o Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), UHM, 1890 East-West Road, 416 Moore Hall 416, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822 USA

  • The organizer is unable to offer funding for transportation and accommodations. Please contact your home institution for available funds. The organizer, however, will provide an official invitation letter for those who need it.
  • Three scholarships from Aceh Relief Fund (www.acehrelief.org), in the form of travel reimbursement of $500 each will be awarded to three best graduate student papers. In order to be considered for the scholarship, full papers must be submitted by August 31, 2008.
  • No-shows inconvenience the chair, discussant, fellow panelists, and audience members attending the session. Participants who discover they are unable to attend the meeting should notify the LAC chair and acehconf@gmail.com immediately.
  • Travel and Lodging:

-- Shuttle Bus or Taxi takes about 25 minutes from Honolulu airport to the conference housing at the site of the main conference venue: 1601 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848 USA; Tel. +1 808 944 7805.

-- A limited number of rooms are available for conference accommodation. Please reserved immediately and check the following link for the detail information about the conference accommodation. http://www.eastwestcenter.org/about-ewc/housing/conference-housing/

-- Participant may also check the available lodging in the close vicinity to the conference's venue through the link: http://www.citytowninfo.com/places/hawaii/honolulu/travel

-- For information about Honolulu airport and transportation, please check the following website: http://www.honoluluairport.com/

  • The Local Arrangements Committee (LAC-Aceh Conference) has been working in cooperation with the staffs of the Education and Arts Exhibition Programs of East West Center, Center for Southeast Asian Studies at University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), and Indonesian Students Association (PERMIAS) Hawaii Chapter, including several other local and international institutions to ensure the success of this cultural and academic event.
  • The event invites speakers whose expert in their fields to share their expertise and experience during their involvements rebuilding Aceh. Students are expected to appreciate and take advantage the information shared throughout this conference. At the end of the meeting, it is expected that the primary host of this event, the collaboration of over ten international Acehnese student associations, will form an International Federation of Acehnese Student Associations consisting of all Acehnese students studying in Europe, Asia, America, Middle East, Africa, and Australia.
  • For questions about local arrangements, please contact: 808-542-2497 (Ari) or 808-722-6184 (Erenst).
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