12th Annual Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Conference - Cornell University, New York March 12-14, 2010

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2010 Graduate Student Conference - Cornell University Southeast Asia Program:

The Cornell Southeast Asia Program invites submissions for its 12th Annual Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Conference. This year this annual event will be held at the Kahin Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on March 12-14, 2010. We welcome submissions from graduate students at any stage engaged in original research related to Southeast Asia. Graduate students working in the following disciplines as well as other related fields that contribute to the understanding of Southeast Asia are encouraged to apply: history, art history, sociology, musicology, religion, anthropology, archeology, architectural history, gender studies, political science, economics, linguistics and literature.

This year we are honored to announce that our keynote speaker will be Associate Professor Eric Tagliacozzo (Department of History, Cornell University; Director, Cornell Modern Indonesia Project), author of Secret Trades, Porous Borders: Smuggling and States Along a Southeast Asian Frontier, 1865-1915 (Yale, 2005), which was awarded the Harry J. Benda Prize from the Association of Asian Studies in 2007. He is also the editor of Southeast Asia and the Middle East: Islam, Movement, and the Longue Duree (Stanford, 2009) and co-editor of both The Indonesia Reader: History, Culture, Politics (Duke, 2009) and Clio/Anthropos: Exploring the Boundaries Between History and Anthropology (Stanford, 2009). His next book project is called The Longest Journey: Southeast Asians and the Pilgrimage to Mecca.

Please submit abstract and 2-page curriculum vitae to the following email address: seapgradconference@gmail.com. All abstracts should be limited to 300 words maximum (using 1" margins on all sides, Times New Roman, and 12pt font size), and submitted as attachments, preferably in Microsoft Word or as a PDF file. The filename should be unique. You should use your first name's initial and your last name to name your abstract. For example: John Smith's abstract would be named jsmith.doc. The subject of the message should specify "Abstract", and the body should include the following information:

- author's name(s), affiliation and e-mail address

- title of abstract

- discipline(s)


COMMITMENT TO PRESENT: February 10, 2010

Final papers will be due by February 28, 2010. Papers must be in English. Presentations should be no more than 20 minutes and will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

Please visit http://www.einaudi.cornell.edu/Southeastasia/academics/2010spring.asp for further information and future updates.

      • A limited number of modest travel subventions may be available for those traveling longer distances. Please indicate in your email when you submit the abstract if you would like to apply for a travel subvention.

We look forward to an exciting symposium!

Pamela Corey and Andrew Johnson, SEAP Student Committee Co-Chairs 2009-2010

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