Cw1 8299
From Environmental Technology
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Contents |
ecological footprint
OK | This"Footprints of Nations" report compares the ecological impact of 52 large nations, inhabited by 80 percent of the world population. It also shows to what extent their consumption can be supported by their local ecological capacity. One key finding is that today, humanity as a whole uses over one third more resources and eco-services than what nature can regenerate. In 1992, this ecological deficit was only one quarter.
renewable resources
OK | Renewable resources (solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, biomass, and waste) currently provide nearly 12 percent of the Nation's electricity supply. Almost 10 of this 12 percent is provided by hydroelectric resources alone. Biomass and municipal solid waste (MSW) together contribute more than 1 percent. All other renewable resources, including geothermal, wind, and solar, together provide less than 1 percent of the total.
environmental sustainability
OK | This website provides access to the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) report and underlying data. In addition, it provides an archive of the reports and data for the 2000, 2001, and 2002 versions of the ESI. The documents made available here provide in-depth details on the analytical framework, quantitative methodology, and data sources that underlie each edition of the ESI.
sustainable development
OK | highlights how new problems of irreversible environmental changes
OK | talks about why history and ideology matters
emission reduction credits
OK | this discusses how we need to lower the emission rates and if credits are allowed to be sold
environmental ethics
OK | describes what this is and what matters animals, plants, and ecosystem.
environmental impact statement
OK | talked about how one has to prepare for these types of statements
earth day
OK | described what, when, and who created earth day
OK | describes and talks about the accident at the chernobyl power plant and its consequences