
From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 21:27, 24 March 2006 by Jalcst-8299 (Talk | contribs)
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a:The Sierra Club brings up a lot of programs in the articles such as The Title X program, sex education programs, abstinence only programs, EC, and EPICC. Some of these will work and some won't. I believe that the Title X will work better if it had more funds. People love the word free and will more likely use the products that are safe and free that work. Teaching abstinence only is a good idea, but doesn't work. The world is getting more advanced and technology is causing teens to know and learn about sex at earlier ages. EC is not effective either. Sometimes the pill works and sometimes it don't. The percentage is not high enough and many people probably would use the product wrong if not educated about it. EPICC seems to work because people have to pay for insurance anyways and should have contraceptives included in their plans. By insurance covering this, many more people would use birth control methods because they don't have to spend as much money on them.

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