CW6 1592
From Environmental Technology
Hurricanes vs. Homes
a. It seems like the article is against rebuilding on the coast. Most of it is talking about the downside and only the very last part is an upside to rebuilding on the coast. The coastlines have most of the population in the United States. The more inward you go, the less populous the country is. Hurricanes are just part of how the environment works. It would be like saying that we shouldn't be able to rebuild here because a tornado caused a lot of damage. The coast just gets unlucky and happens to get hit all the time. There could be a few bad years where tornadoes occur a bunch and that would cause just as much damage. Hurricanes just happen to occur more often and hit harder. There isn't much to do about it. The people there should just pay higher taxes on there land. There are so many people that live on the coasts, we wouldn't have anywhere to put them is we said they couldn't build there anymore. Plus, it wouldn't be right because it's not their fault. It's just something that has to be dealt with.
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