
From Environmental Technology

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p114 prob.1-5


1)This is an example of dynamic equilibrium due to the fact that the rate of change in one direction is the same as the rate of change in the opposite direction. This is an example of negative feedback mechanism because the condition triggers a response that counteracts, or reverses, the changed condition. This allows dynamic equilibrium.


2)The Gaia theory is the hypotheses that Earth's organisms adjust the environment to keep it habitable for life. This allows people to believe that the Earth will take care of itself without any help from us.


3)The biogeochemical cycle is the process by which matter cycles from the living world to the nonliving physical environment and back again. This is needed to move water, oxygen, and they make up chemical compounds of cells.


4)Carbon makes up part of the atmosphere as a gas, carbon dioxide. It is also present in the ocean. Nitrogen is part of proteins and nucleic acids. Phosphorus cycles from the land to sediments in the ocean and back to the land. Hydrologic makes up a substantial part fo the mass of most organisms. It also continuously circulates from the ocean to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean.


5)In all of these cycles it flows from the environment to the organism and back to the enivornment.

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