
From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 21:30, 10 February 2006 by Jalcst-8992 (Talk | contribs)
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A)Wetlands are a transitional link between the water and the land.

Waetlands are characterized by thier vegetation.

Some types of wetlands are Stuarine that are flooded by salt water and Palustrine that are flooded by fresh water.

B)The functions of wetlands are to controle flooding. They also provive a habitate and filter out polutants.

C) 35% of the forest in the bay area have ben lost. There areover 50 tree species and over 2700 plant species.

D) The functions of the forest are Protect hte quality of the water, improve quality of the air, and provide a habitate.

E) The types of trophs are autotrophs= plants or self feeders or heterotrophs= animals or other feeders.


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