
From Environmental Technology

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endocrine disrupter-

[1] it is either a natural or manmade chemical that disrupts the natural working order of the endocrine system. this is a concern because it effects with the natural working order of reproduction and hormone release.


[2] a list of stories related to the field of ecotoxicology, and many of the effects it has on the surrounding world. such as the biological dangers of the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans, or bedbugs and their re-emergence.

ecological risk assessment-

[3] it says that ecological risk assessment is the practice of determining the effect of what we are doing on the surrounding environment. For instance if you are going to build a skyscraper in the middle of the rain forest, what would the impact be on the surrounding ecosystem, the trees, wildlife, etc...


[4] a general term for describing the build of of a toxin over a period of time due to repeated exposure. DDT for instance.

emerging disease-

[5] this page is a collection of articles of opinions and research on the subject of numerous disease such as west nile virus. So I assume it means diseases that are becoming a problem more and more.


[6] it provides a teaching outline for teachers who intend to educate about pollution and the different types of pollution. It provides a ton of information on many, many different kinds of pollution.

biological amplification or biological magnification-

[7] biological amplification is the ability of natural things to increase the chances of adverse effects. The example they use on this page is sunlight increasing the chances of getting skin cancer.


[8] cancer causing agents. the web page deals more with what cancers can be caused by doing what, as well as treatments for different types of cancers.

environmental stressor-

[9] an informative article on stressors for the savannah river. it also points out that a stressor is anything that could cause a change in an environment.

red tides-

[10] in an ocean ecosystem, some poisonous algae or HAB, occur. which means a harmful algae bloom. these algae can cause surrounding seaplant life to become discolored by their lack of sunlight, when they wash ashore after dying, they appear red, thus the name red tide.
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