Cw1 8722

From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 21:34, 27 January 2006 by Jalcst-8722 (Talk | contribs)

ecological footprint Ecological footprint is how much land water a human population may need in order to sustain life. Edcological footprint currently deals with the notion that current lifestyles by humans are damaging to the Earth.

Renewable resources Renewable resources is a Natural Resource Foundation that deals with was to renew natural resources. The foundation educates the public about the advances in sciences in order to renew natural resources.

Environmental sustainability Environmental sustainability idex deals with 21 elements of the environmental sustainability. It deals with past and present pollution problems so a society can improve its environmental performance.

Sustainable development The Division for Sustainable Development provides expertise to the United Nations regarding sustainable development. The focuses on implementing the Johannesberg Plan of Implementation.

Environmentalism Environmentalism is the support of environmental movement by environmentalists.

Emission reduction credits

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