Cw1 4499

From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 21:21, 27 January 2006 by Jalcst-4499 (Talk | contribs)


Ecological footprint

This is how the world or certain countries impact the world. It is also shows how much materials or output they can produce at maximum capacity and how much they acctually use.

Renewable resources

- ( Renewable Natural Resources Foundation) 

Renewable resources are materials or things that can be used as is or changed to be reused as a fossil fuel of some source.

Environmental sustainability

Sustainable Development

Creating new devoplments of some sort without the chance of loss of too natural reasourses. It also helps to insure that the environment isn't injured in the process.


"Environmentalism is the support or involvement with the environmental movement by environmentalists." by,(

Emission reduction credits

They are trying to lower the amount of pollution that is emitted into the atmosphere.

Environmental ethics

This is about the study of the environment and its relationship between people and other organisms.

Environmental impact statement

This is where they study and predict the future damage of currect projects that are being undergone by corporations and the government.

Earth Day

Earth Day 2005 is Friday, April 22nd. This is the day that we celebrate this planet and what it does for us. In 1962 the idea of Earth day was created.


This is about the nuclear meltdown in the Ukraine. It also helps other learn from their mistakes and how we can make changes to create a safer planet to live on without having another Chernobyl.

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