
From Environmental Technology

Revision as of 21:49, 26 April 2006 by Jalcst-8299 (Talk | contribs)

a. It explains the four components that produce gas which are crude-oil cost, refining costs and margin, state and federal taxes, and distribution and marketing cost.

b. yes

c. The need for oil is so great that it doesn't matter what prices are. People are paying the prices because they have too. Big Oil is not the only blame. It's us as consumers too.

a. It's a clean diesel, a reduction in carbon dioxide emisssions, and produced from renewable sources.

b. B20, B2, B5, B50

c. reductions in carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide emission, nonmethane hydrocarbon emissions, fewer toxic and carcinogenic pollutants, and no evaporative emissions in dedicated engines.

d. hydrocarbons, mainly methane produced either from gas wells or in conjunction with crude oil production.

e. a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% of unleaded gas.

F. 1.2 billion bushels

g. renewable source of energy, reduces the crude oil imports, clean environmentally friendly fuel and flexible fuel.

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