From Environmental Technology
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Looking at Maps -- Due Sunday March 5, 5pm
Using the online map source from National Geographic, found at MapMachine.
Answer the following questions about major ecosystems, soils, climates, and populations.
There are three zoom modes to use to answer these questions; world-view, US-view, and Southern Illinois view. You may copy this page's source to start your work if you like.
Click "Major Habitat types"
1) Do these major ecosystems of the world match what you have already learned so far about biomes?
Yes, these ecosystems match what I have learned about biomes so far in class.
2) What does National Geographic call these regions? What region(s) are in Southern Illinois?
National Geographic call these regions Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests. The regions in Southern Illinois are Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests and Temperate grasslands, savannas,and shrublands.