HW2 5432

From Environmental Technology

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Revision as of 18:55, 30 January 2006


endocrine disrupter

http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/endocrine/index_en.htm This site describes how the European Commision uses the precautionary principle to tackle endocrine disrupters.


http://www.epa.gov/ecotox/ The ECOTOX database provides single chemical toxicity information for aquatic and terrestrial life. ECOTOX is a useful tool for examining impacts of chemicals on the environment.

ecological risk assessment

http://www.esd.ornl.gov/programs/ecorisk/ecorisk.html This site contains information and resources on a variety of topics related to the growing field of ecological risk analysis.


http://toxics.usgs.gov/definitions/bioaccumulation.html This site give the defenition of bioaccumulation and other links to other useful websites.

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