How to: Create an article for...

From Environmental Technology

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Current revision as of 05:41, 16 January 2006

There are several convenient ways to create articles for this wiki. If you are familiar with Wikipedia, for instance, article creation is identical. For those of you new to wiki-content, read-on.

Also, for the sake of this class a few rules will be outlined here to maintain a certain level of order with turning in homework. To reduce paperwork we will use a wiki for transmittal of required homework, essays, etc. One other thing is important, no anonymous edits are allowed on this wiki. Which aids in the clause, you must use your username to get credit.

First, and easiest, way to create an article is to enter a Title into the search thing and click GO. This will do two things for you. 1st, it checks for an article already in existence with that Title. And 2nd, it gives you a way to create an article if Title does not exist. Don't worry we will go over this in class.

Also, for general questions on how to make articles see the Help link to the left. Basicly, after you have decided on a title, click to edit your new article. "Editing Title" will appear at the top and text editor box will appear in the center of the page. Again, we will go over the usage and options of text editing in class.

For this class, and to get credit for your work a tag must be placed at the beginning of the assignment. Place:


at the beginning when you are done and ready for me to grade it. I will see this article in the new and ready to grade category. This will also aid in organization later and I can categorize the assignment as needed.

Lastly, you must be registered at JALC for one of the courses I teach in order to get course credit for the edits you perform. I will assign a user-id for each person in the class. So keep your user and password information private, but don't forget them. I will be using your username to verify your participation.

Also, be aware of deadlines! The assignments for wiki articles will have a deadline of 5:00pm CST on due date. They are logged and dated, however I do understand circumstances may exist to preclude promptness and timely completion of an assignment or two. (In the beginning, I may relax this rule for about 2 weeks.)

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