
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 13:19, 26 July 2009 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)

Anti-Paragon is (despite any claims to the contrary) a paragon amongst bunnies and lamps across the land. (Yea right... --Anti-paragon 20:21, 22 August 2008 (PDT)) (Aw, come on, you know you are! --User:MDM)

Creator of Ann Pertchin Squirrelypants (with whom he is often confused), AP is one of the GMs of the War Thread, and one of the finer RPers we have around these here parts.

Creator of Mossy Knoll, a very long running RP.

Along with TingYi, is now one of the two moderators of Mayhem.


Little is known about AP, possibly due to his tendency to hide behind Ann and let her do the talking...

  • As First Citizen Sir Anti-Paragon, he is one of the founding members of the Order of the Bunny.
  • Isn't very talkative, and doesn't SEEM to do much...
  • Doesn't have a signature. A certain squire of his is going to petition him for one.
  • Has a high will save against yawning.
  • Has a tendency to confuse OzLionHeart's name with that of his character, Leon “Lee” deCoeur. Due to this, he has taken to calling Oz "Ozlee".
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