Prominent members in Harmony History

From Dragons Exodus

[edit] The Tomes of Harmony

These are the people who have compiled a history for their residence in Harmony.

The Book of Traewyn Rishana
The Book of Tronal Atenegar
The Book of Emaleth CairValdar and her mother, Emaleth Rishana
The Book of Caramia Cer'Catore
The Book of Teran Earthsong
The Book of Pilas Fyril
The Book of Elrundir Galadhrim
The Book of Thundr Hammr
The Book of Artanik Hisseek
The Book of Jubei Kibagami
The Book of Amalisa Liat
The Book of Entreri Savelle
The Book of Elvowyn Seltrine
The Book of Cearnos Sonreac
The Book of Apparatan Stone
The Book of Blixen Sunstar
The Book of the Sunstar Sisters
The Book of Lexar Wereforge
The Book of Aiea Yingwen
The Book of Alyka Grey

[edit] Statues of Harmony

These are the people who influenced Harmony so much, their deaths were marked by a statue of their person.

The Statue of Cearnos Sonraec
The Statue of Verdauga
The Statue of Emaleth Draconnis I
The Statue of Jeshoua Fasthorse
The Statue of Jannder Fasthorse

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