Your mate takes you to his home

From Create Your Own Story

Your mate places his hands on your ass and lifts you up with ease, his limp cock still completely inside your snatch. You can't help but giggle in a girly way at the sensation - his cock twists inside as you rise, allowing some of his semen to escape your engorged belly. Despite it being limp, you still feel completely filled by it, however the stretching is no longer as uncomfortable.

You know you should be upset with the situation, but your warm skin and satisfied body drive all thoughts of resentment out of your mind. Even the immense amount of semen inside you no longer scares you - after all, there's no escaping your situation. You are going to carry your brother's children whether you like it or not.

As he walks to his home (or rather, your new home) you feel his cock begin to slowly harden inside you once more, the outline of his cock reappearing on the skin of your belly. He opens the door and throws your body against the wall roughly, grabbing your thighs and beginning to thrust himself into you once more.

You moan weakly, too tired weak to put enthusiasm into the sex despite the pleasure you're feeling. He simply grunts and forces his rough tongue into your mouth, drinking your saliva as he pumps his rod inside you. You wrap your legs around his back and your arms around his neck, and he pulls you away from the wall, throwing you onto your back on his bed. You scream as he starts thrusting harder, his cock plugging up the old semen inside you and preventing it from escaping.

With each thrust your belly bulges out from the displacement of fluids. Your dark skin begins to heat up and blush red, the heat of his powerful cock being spread by the semen within. You can't help but feel that you're his - your purpose is to act as a sleeve to pleasure his meat. Orgasms wash over you endlessly, driving all thoughts out of your mind but his cock. Finally he grunts once more and again you feel his seed pumping into you.

You moan and cry a little as your belly inflates further.

"I suppose," he grunts, "I should let some of that out. This is how you'll look a few months from now. Maybe I'll see just how much milk I can pump into you."

Health Inflated belly full of semen (female dark elf) Equipment:


Experience Lost Virginity
HP 50
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