Yank out the dildo and stick your dick into the queen

From Create Your Own Story

You tug the dildo out of the queen again, but this time you're ready for the suction that tries to snatch it back. You quickly unzip and thrust your penis deep inside her. The queen falls onto the floor, on her back, carrying you along with her. She moans lustily and wraps her long legs around your waist. It feels as if her pussy is trying to suck your entire body into her. It feels incredible.

"Fascinating," Brenda says as she pulls her arms free of the mummy wrappings. "After countless centuries with the Maltese Dildo inside her, she must have been ready for a change. And while it doesn't vibrate, your penis is alive in a way no dildo can duplicate. I think you've arranged a fair trade."

Brenda opens a zipper on the crotch of her leather outfit, revealing her drippy snatch.

"Give me the dildo," she says.

The queen moans again and climaxes. You gasp and shudder and squirt inside her. You squirt and spurt and still her pussy doesn't let up. It sucks on your pole, squeezing and caressing and forcing more cum from you.

"Give me the dildo!" Brenda says.

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Bradworth Museum

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