Y4H: Object to the relevance of the foursome

From Create Your Own Story

Your nudge to the ribs wakes up doc, and your mumbled suggestion gets him to his feet. "Objection, Your Honor."

Judge: Grounds?

Doc: Uh [listening to you]- Not relevant, Your Honor.

Judge: Oh, very well, Sustained.

DA: Your Honor, we have to be able to establish who was where.

Judge: Could she see them, with those blindfolds on?

DA: No, Your Honor.

Judge: Then take us to the point where she could.

DA: Yes, Your Honor. Mrs. Scratcher, could we move to the point where you could see where they were?

Ovia: Oh, for Pete's sake, we did some stuff like you were figuring, and everybody got off once or twice, and I was kissing on some of 'em, and I said, like, let's get together, blindfolds off, and so we all throw 'em down, and we're all standing there naked as jaybirds, and it's time to leave the playroom. Beane can clean it up later, and I don't hang out in the playroom after everyone's got off. So, we just drop the blindfolds and we all get out of there, and Beane locks the door, and we all go out different ways.

DA: Where did you go?

Ovia: Well, me, I went out back to kinda get some fresh air. [You detect a note of haste in that part. You know why.] And then I go back in and get my shower, and I just got in my PJ's when Beane yells out something's wrong. Whitley and the dudes are all gone, so I go in where he's cleaning up the playroom, and he shows me the lockbox is unlocked, and he tells me the key's gone, and what's missing?

DA: And what was missing?

Ovia: From in there, just my special golden ben-wa balls and my betamax tape. I was real upset about that. I can get some more ben-wa's if I have to, but that tape was one of a kind!

DA: What was the tape?

Ovia: Classic porn! It was about the only copy left of The Chartreuse Depths of Manuel Jones.

DA: Why is that upsetting?

Ovia: Well, I mean, it's beta! I'd been meaning to get it transferred to digital, get it up on the internet or something. Anyway, it was my grandma's, from back when they had beta. She always said they didn't make porn like that anymore.

DA: So what is that movie like?

Sounds gratuitous to you. Then again, you never know what might be useful. And a few minutes more on his nap might sharpen Doc's natural reflexes, so he can pull out the aces when the time is right.

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