Whip Chad with your shirt

From Create Your Own Story

Acting quicker than you knew you could, you duck and roll towards Chad. He fires his gun but misses. You pop up at his feet, your shirt already twirled into a whip, then flick it at his hands violently. He yelps and drops the gun, while you dive to the side as the other two open fire on you. Chad takes several bullets to the chest and falls to the floor, leaking blood. Bullets slam into the floor and walls, fortunately not hitting anyone (besides Chad), and throwing debris into the air.

After the dust settles, the other two gunmen glance around nervously. You're hiding in clothing rack, peering out with a calmness you didn't think you could feel in the face of such adversity. At the exact moment both of them turn their backs on your clothing rack to shout at some of the shoppers, you leap from the fabric-y confines and grab one around the neck. While holding the one gunmen with your left hand, you whip the other's face with your shirt in your right hand. He yelps and drops the gun to clutch at his face, which you somehow whipped hard enough to draw blood.

You whip the guy on the ground into unconsciousness while keeping a tight hold on the one in your grasp. Then you cover his face with your shirt-whip until he passes out. As you come down from your adrenaline-high, cheers reach your ears. You're hefted into the air and passed around the shop until the police arrive. They make their way to you through the crowd, but an unknown hand pulls you into the storage room in the back. It's Sally, and she locks the door.

"You... you were amazing! I don't know anyone who could have done that except you! I brought you back here because you looked kind of dazed, and I didn't think you wanted to deal with the police right now. Listen, we could go back to my place if you want to lay low for a while! I know a way out of the mall from here that bypasses that crowd," she says. Even in your dazzled state, you can see her blushing. Obviously, asking you to her place means a little more to her than just a friendly visit.

Do you:

Health Horny & Female & A hero Location:

The Lingerie Shop

MP 0
Level 4
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