Wait until he returns

From Create Your Own Story

Time passes slowly after Joe leaves. You start to wonder how you will get out of this situation. You lose track of time. How long has Joe been gone? It feels like hours but it is probably just a few minutes.

You hear footsteps and Joe walks back into the room. He sits in a wooden chair with a bowl of cereal in his hands. He looks and your naked from and eats quickly. After seeing the food you realize that you are extremely hungry. It may have been days since you last eaten. You ask Joe if you could have something to eat.

He laughs and says, "All you need to eat is this my little slut" He points at his semi-hard cock.

You are taken aback for a few seconds and say that you will need real food to survive.

"Oh alright" he says as he walks out of the room. After a few minutes he comes back with a bowl filled with some dry cereal.

"Oh looks like I forgot milk" he says "Oh well I have a great alternative".

Your eyes widen in shock as he begins to jack off right on top of your cereal. Jets of semen cover the once dry cereal.

"Well" he says looking at you and pushing the bowl closer to your chained body "Dig in I thought you were hungry".

Status Bar
Health 60 Equipment:

Arm Chains, Leg Chains

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Princess
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