Volunteer(18 Bi IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

All through your pregnancy you have been horny; the sex you've just indulged in as only increased your libido and not sated it maybe weekend with Roscoe will cure that.

"Tabitha." You say. "I have an idea that may help, I'll be all alone this weekend myself as you know it seems a shame one of you will miss your reunion looking after your dad when I could do it."

Tabitha looks at you intently for a few seconds before she smiles. "That may be a solution; I'll discuss it with Selena and let you know in the meantime we have to go."

You see Tabitha and Roscoe too the door and watch them leave, before returning to the kitchen and clearing the dishes while doing so you realize Roscoe had removed your panties earlier and now you can't seem to find them.

Do you?

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