VRX 9000: Sex Games / Scenario D

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer

Battle Royale: Part 1


The game finally starts and all the girls move at once. Because you've selected 'Scenario D', the girls are situated around the couches as follows. On the southern couch from west to east are Hayden, Kate, Scarlett. On the east couch from south to north are Mila, Jennifer, Kristen. On the north couch from east to west are Natalie, Mary, Emma. On the west couch from north to south are Vanessa, Teresa, Elisha.

Everyone jumps up and it is a blur of movement and yelling as the girls shove past each other and yell at each other and everyone tries to do everything at once. On the south couch Kate immediately knows that she is in trouble. She is probably one of the weaker and smaller girls physically and will be at a huge disadvantage in the giant brawl in the middle. With two tough blondes on either side of her on the couch, stuck in the middle, Kate knows there is only one way out of this situation using her intellect. As soon as the game starts Scarlett jumps for her and Kate kicks out trying to fend her off falling back into where Hayden used to be, deciding not to go after Kate after seeing Scarlett was. The two struggle for a while until Kate manages to get a solid kick in and knocks Scarlett to the floor then quickly vaults over the couch before she can recover dashing for the main hallway.

On the west couch Vanessa and Elisha both look inward as well towards their easy target, Teresa, but end up making eye contact during the exchange. Vanessa gives a playful wink and sexy bite of her lip keeping eye contact and Elisha just smirks back not phased. Deciding she has a new ally, Elisha nods to her side indicating the smaller Emma on the edge of the north couch. The two lock in on their ridiculously easy prey as Teresa, between the two, grows increasingly nervous at the two getting along. When the match starts Teresa jumps forward expecting a fight but when neither of the two girls even move, just sit back and watch, Teresa gets a false sense of security and ignores them and starts to grab items from the middle.

On the north couch Emma knows that she is probably the smallest girl here and won't stand a chance in the middle here. Not having much more of a plan than running, Emma makes a break for the western hallway the instant the match starts instantly getting tripped by Elisha causing her to fall. Emma doesn't know if it was intentional or not and simply scrambles back up to run into the hallway not noticing Elisha slowing getting up to follow while Vanessa grins and starts to move towards the main hallway to cut her off. In the middle of the top couch next to Emma, Mary manages to notice the suspicious looks between Elisha and Vanessa and decides not to follow Emma that direction. Not terribly worried about Natalie, about the same size and probably stronger, Mary gets up and tries to head that way to follow her. Natalie however blocks her path grabbing items, and when Mary tries to step onto the couch to get around her Natalie spins around with a length of rope and pounces on her using her lack of balance to pin her down onto the couch.

On the eastern couch both Mila and Kristen are worried about Jennifer going after them and immediately bolt out of the ends of their couch the instant the game starts. Smart as it goes, Jennifer jumps up and barely misses Kristen before turning back south frowning that Mila also managed to slip out of her grasp. Moving towards the southern couch wanting to get the first target she finds Jennifer spots Kate leap over the couch and head south down the main hallway. Deciding to take her down and the only one ready to chase Jennifer sprints after her, the stumbling Scarlett quickly trailing behind not wanting to give up her prey.

Hayden just stepped away on the southern couch and watched as Scarlett tried to tackle Kara then turned her eyes to the western couch to watch the two girls there slowly move off to flank the fleeing Emma. That is when Hayden spots Teresa, thinking she is safe going for items. Hayden slides behind her without her so much as batting an eye and quickly wraps an arm around Teresa's neck and yanks her back hard onto the couch unsuspectingly. Hayden has Teresa in moments, using her own items to tie her up.

Meanwhile Kate sprints into the northern master bedroom and tries to close and lock the door but instead gives a startled scream as Jennifer bulls over the door instead pinning her into the room next to the bed. The next moment Scarlett runs in and Jennifer and her stand off for a moment. Anna takes the opportunity to try to jump onto the bed and past it and escape through the bathroom but it backfires making the two ally to keep her trapped, both blondes trapping her again before tugging her down onto the bed. Just as they start to restrain her Mila and Kristen accidentally bump into each other, both fleeing, in the master bedroom. Both trying to run they immediately run into the scene of Jennifer and Scarlett capturing Kate and both just step back into the bathroom and quickly lock the door. The two make a quick alliance as they lock the other doors around them not knowing if anyone is following them.

Lastly, Emma manages to flee into a room with bunk-beds but upon spotting Vanessa entering from the other side frightens and tries to run back out into the hallway right into Elisha. Elisha grabs her and drags her into the bunk-bed room and Vanessa quickly closes and locks the doors before helping Elisha restrained the frightened but increasingly cute cries out terror.


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