VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (1).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 2: The Location - Part 1


The Story:

You get the email and open it immediately, a pit rapidly growing in your stomach as this all starts to get far too real. You can't believe how nervous you are! Is this really happening? You finally manage to settle down and read the email fidgeting the entire time almost as if she could walk in the door at any second.

"12pm, 9127 VRX Road, Random Place CA. Wear normal clothing. Don't be late."

The email doesn't say much but immediately your stomach feels like it is tumbling over and over inside you. You immediately become a nervous wreck, pacing back and forth across your dark room. This is happening. This is really happening! You only have one hour! In one hour you are going to meet your mistress in person. What is she going to do with you? What is she going to ask of you? Are the two of you going to get along in person? What if she is ugly? What if you do what she wants and she releases all of those pictures and videos anyways? The questions overwhelm you so much that you almost scream.

You don't have much time to think about it as you quickly plug in her address into your phone's GPS. You are surprised that it leads you to some random house in the suburbs about thirty minutes away. You are going to her house! If you go in there she will have you all to herself! There won't be any escaping. The idea of being completely alone with her in her own lair scares you more than you care to admit. The time to get there suddenly makes you freak out all the more and you instantly run over to your closet. What do you wear? She said normal clothing. Do you have normal clothing? What clothing would she like you in? Your emotions see-saw back and forth wildly between excitement and embarrassment and extreme fear and anxiety.

The physical process of dressing yourself turns into a nervous nightmare and you barely manage to pick out something before your thirty minute window is up. You slip into a black bra with some black panties deciding that you can't go wrong with black, then eventually decide on a sort of bigger black mesh shirt with some white lettering across the front. It is normal to wear on hot days during the summer, the mesh isn't so crazy that you look half-naked, and you think you look attractive in it. After that you struggle to slide into one of your tighter pairs of jean-shorts that doesn't do much more than cover your ass. It is something you probably wouldn't wear unless you are trying to show off. Hoping you look ok you take a quick turn in front of your mirror. The short, tight jeans show off your ass pretty well along with your well-shaped pale thighs and the mesh shirt hangs loosely on you showing just a tiny bit of mid-drift which you think is kind of sexy. Other than that you look like a slightly-strange, slightly-attractive normal girl. Well, at least by your standards.


You practically have a heart attack when you finally notice you have less than thirty minutes and race downstairs towards your car. You are going to be late! No! What if she sends everything before you get there? You fly through the house and out the door before jumping in your car and racing off, your parents not even looking your way when you fly by downstairs. You are pretty sure if your mistress decides to abduct you and keep you for a sex slave forever they wouldn't even notice, let alone call the police. You get a little worried realizing most of your friends are out of town on vacation too. No one really knows where you are going or what you are getting yourself into. Trying not to let your nervousness overcome your decision to go you jump into your car and speed off trying to think of anything else to not go crazy with worry.

What is she going to look like? What is she going to make you do? What if she uses you and sends your pictures anyways? What if she doesn't like you in person? You are practically a nervous wreck by the time you get into the right neighborhood. You are surprised by the location. It looks like a pretty normal, slightly higher-end neighborhood. Living in a place like this costs some serious money where you live. By the time you pull up to the very nice, ordinary two-story house you manage to beat down your nerves a bit. You made it on time, barely. You have a minute to get to her door. You park your car a little down the street for some reason then quickly walk towards her house. You can feel the pit in your stomach growing so much you almost feel like throwing up as you finally ring the doorbell. Who is she going to be? You hear footsteps heading towards the door on the other side moments later.


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