UDX: BE7: When it happens, Josh, get off my back I don't want to rush her

From Create Your Own Story

Josh: That's some pussy shit Chris. If that's your attitude then the answer is never.

Chris: Whatever.

Josh: If you're not going to fuck her then I will.

Chris: No you won't.

Josh: I guess we'll see.

Chris: Dude, let's just go inside. I don't want to talk about this.

Josh: We can't go inside. The lock is frozen.

Chris: Oh...shit. Then what are we going to do?

Josh: I'm not doing anything. You're going to climb in the window and open the door from inside.

Chris: Why me? It's your house.

Josh: No, it's my parent's house. You're going to let us in and be Ashley's hero. She's so cold out here.

Chris: Alright, fine.

Josh leads you to the window and opens it. He hands you a lighter.

Chris: What do I do with this?

Josh: There's is a can of deodorant in the upstairs bathroom. Spray it at the fire, melt the ice, and open the door. Bada bing, bada boom.

Chris: Got it.

Josh: God speed, pilgrim.

You climb through the window into the dark lodge.

UDX: BE7: Go to the upstairs bathroom

UDX: BE7: Be methodical, snoop around downstairs first

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