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From Create Your Own Story

You press your hands against Mac's thighs and grip tight, his dick jackhammering into your throat. You can feel him getting closer and closer.

"Fuck yeah, boywhore..!" he grunts, and his thrusts become all the more violent. Your eyes grow blurry. Your own dick is rock hard in your pants, and you feel his monster dick sliding further and further into your throat. Stars burst in front of your eyes, and you try to hold on just a bit longer.

"Fucking cunt!" you hear Mac grunting, and then his voice is coming from farther and farther away, and then...

You feel your eyes roll up in your head, and then your whole body jerks, once. Darkness falls.

You come to sometime later, slouched in the alley behind the bar. You rise, feeling slick garbage water seep into your jeans, and realize that Mac, or someone else, dumped you behind the bar after you passed out. There's dried cum all over your mouth and chin and shirt. You rise shakily, disturbed and afraid, and realize that your crotch is wet with your own cum. Apparently you blew your load as you passed out.

You walk home, glad you didn't die, and sure that this is one birthday you'll never forget.

(The End - please send feedback to

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