
From Create Your Own Story

You get on your knees, holding your sword so the blade is on the ground, with your hand resting on the end of the hilt. You bow your head and close your eyes, and say,

Lord, give me the power to defeat these monsters. Give me the courage to save those trapped inside the burning house. And give me the wisdom I need to know what to do. Amen.

You get up and see that nothing happened. Except, you feel stronger. Your health has been recovered. You raise your sword and shield, as a lightning bolt strikes the horde of torch-holding enemies. Bodies go flying, ashes appear, and smoke rises from the corpses. But the lead monsters didn't stop for a second. Suddenly, a blue, yet transparent, wall appears before you, stopping the monsters. You slash one's back open, destroy another's skull, and decapitate the other just as the wall vanishes.

You rush to the burning house. "Save my son and wife!" a man says when he sees you, trapped under a pile of burning wood. The wife and son stand behind a ring of fire, and you:

Health 100 Equipment:

"Stolen Knife, Holy Book, Templar Armour, Templar Shield,Templar Sword,

MP 10
Level 1
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