Tell them the "truth" that you have no idea

From Create Your Own Story

"I have no idea where he is. He had something to take care of today."

"But he didn't tell you what?" the older man asks suspiciously.


"Well, that's too bad, because he owes a payment today and Mr. Tusconi is very strict when it comes to being paid on time."

You stand nervously at the bedroom door as the older man steps past you into your room. Although you are only in a bra and panties, he seems to be completely disinterested in you as he looks around. The same can't be said of the younger man, who is clearly eyeing your body. The horny thug pulls a baseball bat from behind his back and strokes it in his hand as he practically drools.

"Miss, I'm sorry, it's Joanna, right?" the older man continues, "Joanna, I really do hope you can help us out. We would just need a little something, you know, to cover the late fee."

"I'm sorry I don't have any cash on me."

"That's okay, we can handle other things, too. That is, of course, if you really don't know where Ray is."

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