Tell the girl to stay quiet as you go to answer the door

From Create Your Own Story

"Make a sound and you're dead. Move a muscle and you're dead. Got it?"

The little girl bursts into tears but nods slowly, her ass seeping blood and cum as you withdraw your now flaccid cock from her anus.

You wrap yourself in a dressing gown and go to the door. "Hi there." You answer the door, a bit worried about the naked teen on your sofa, but still keen to keep up appearances for any callers. At the door is a an emo girl with straight black hair with blue streaks, thick-rimmed glasses, and a scruffy plaid shirt and jeans. She hands you a newspaper.

"I was gonna leave this in the hall, but I guess you can have it." She shrugs. She's actually really good looking, behind all the geekiness that her appearance exudes. "Did I hear someone crying in your apartment? Myeh." She waves a hand. "None of my business. Enjoy your paper."

Noticing that you're staring at her, she looks down at herself to see if you can see something she can't. Taking in her small chest, her rather short height and not exactly skinny frame, she shrugs again. "Have I got something on my shirt or what? Why are you staring at me?" Seeing no immediate response she sighs, and moves on to the next apartment on her newspaper round.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

Your Apartment

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