Tell Anthony the truth, that Tanya killed Mallory

From Create Your Own Story

"The killer of Lieutenant Mallory was Tanya," you say.

Anthony smiles. "Very good. Now --"

An overpoweringly bright light suddenly appears in the center of the room. You feel your powers weakening extremely fast.

"NO!!!" Anthony gasps. "I --"

A tentacle of the light lashes out, enveloping Anthony's head. There's a hissing sound and a small black cloud emerges through Anthony's nose. The cloud is struck by the light and vanishes, and you feel the death of a fellow demonic spirit. Anthony's body turns into a pile of ash.

Two more tentacles catch Tanya and Agatha, stripping them down to their underwear and hurling them out of the room. Suddenly, four ordinary police officers are present in full uniform. They handcuff the women and lead them away.

Just as you feel your own powers about to vanish for good, the light vanishes as quickly as it appeared. You're naked and on the bed, and an equally naked Michelle, fully alive and with an aura of goodness surrounding her, joins you.

You're still too weak to do much. And you're very horny.

You are possessing:
Sarah Schnell
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