Take the boys' advice and kiss Melony again

From Create Your Own Story

You pull your arm around Melony and once again lip-lock with her. You hear cheering from the boys.

"Sickos!" Christine snarls, clearly talking to the boys. "You shouldn't have encouraged them!"

You decide to really make Christine mad. You pull Melony to her feet and the two of you move to the center aisle, standing up. You again lip-lock, but this time you also slide your hands up Melony's skirt and squeeze her ass, for the boys' benefit.

"All right! Way to go!" the boys cheer. Melony blushes.

"Stop egging them on!" Christine yells at the boys. Suddenly, she and her friends get up and walk over to the boys. In the blink of an eye, a full-scale fistfight breaks out. Rebecca, the tiny girl, is down on the floor in pain. You can't quite see what happened to her, but she's hurting.

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Melony
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