TSRM-Spear her and relax?

From Create Your Own Story

Reaching towards her you pick Bayley up from under her arms with a great deal of stress from your worn muscles. With her ass already well penetrated and the warm water streaking down her your bodies it doesn't take much for your cock to slip into her ass as your drop her onto your lap with her letting out a deep, long moan, some where between pain and pleasure. Rather than pound your shaft into her sleeping form you wrap your arms around Bayley and lean back into the shower wall with a sigh. Even in her sleep Bayleys body reacts to your cock inside of her ass with her muscles squeeze and sucking your cock.

Eventually you pass out in this fashion with Bayley speared on your cock. You awaken some time later in a sleepy state from a small wiggle in your lap. Eyes slow to open you see Bayley moving weakly in your lap trying to stand up but your cock is still firmly locked into her anus.

"Oh no you don't." You chuckle with your arms wrapping around her, your arms lack any real strength that the moment to hold her down but the weight is enough to keep her from getting away as she plops down onto your lap sending a splatter of cum from her ass. It seems that even in your sleep state you cumed into her multiple times filling her to the brim with your seed.


She whimpers softly but her tears words only make your cock want her more though you really dont have the strength to do much to her.

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