TSRM-Go find your youngest sister Bayley?

From Create Your Own Story

Giving up on Rose you make your way down the hallway, hearing the growing music in the background that sends pain through your head. Thinking of seeing what Bayley is up to you take a deep breath before calling out to your sister.

"Bayley!" You wait a few second before you hear her voice from down the hallway.

"Hiiiiiiii! You're home!" Like a Mac truck she zooms down the hallway with her high pitched voice slamming at your ear drums, you want to cover them but you know if you don't stop her she'll knock you too the ground. Flexing your arms out you take a hold of her body before she can slam into your waist.

"When did you get home!" Her high pitched voice screaming in your ear, at this point her loud voice is making your boner die down. Wanna keep going with her or shake the feeling off and find something else to do.

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