TPM: Super-pretty servant girl Padme. You think she likes you...

From Create Your Own Story

You wander over to Padme first, she is tinkering with a couple of fusion cutters and trying to figure out what she can do. It seemingly strikes you all of a sudden just how cute she looks with her little blue shirt, and long hair pulled back into a ponytail.

You say, "Hey, Padme, so what do you think?"

She responds with, "What do I think, what?"

"Do you think I'm gonna win? I've been practicing all day and everything seems to be working correctly except for a couple of things."

She sets the tools down and converses with you. "Well, Anakin, I believe you can do anything you want. You have a power, don't you?"

"Yeah, but, it's still sometimes hard for me to react to things. I can't always respond to everything quick enough. It takes a lot of practice. I was hoping maybe you could come help me with my podracer."

"Annie, you know all of that better than anyone. I don't think you really need my help."

"Yeah, I do. It's still hard for me to reach some of the places because I'm so small. I'm only ten, you know."

"Well, alright. Let's see what I can do."

She follows you over to the podracer and looks a little bewildered, she doesn't look too excited to be helping you with your podracer, either. Especially since she is in her only pair of clothes that she brought with her.

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Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
The Phantom Menace

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