TFA: Charge with your pocket knife

From Create Your Own Story

You put out your pocket knife and charge, not leaving her a moment of rest. You roll on her feet, preventing her from reaching her blaster as you slash around with your knife. The fabric of her jumpsuit is tougher than expected, your small knife only able to cut through the clothing and not the flesh. However, due to your small size, you are only able to rip open her jumpsuit on her legs and tights. Taking a wrench that was on a box, Bazine breaks your knife and straddles you.

"If I can’t get the droid, I’ll give them what is on the inside!" She yells, trying to open your head.

You are in deep shit now, but you have access to her intimate parts, your knife having effectively cut the fabric near it. Only your dildo tool seems to be free to unleash.

What do you do?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
The Force Awakens

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