Stick your prick into Shyanne's mouth again

From Create Your Own Story

Before she can push you back, you grab her head and thrust your cock back into her mouth, cutting her off. She wrestles around wildly as you pump in and out of her throat, making her gag, until she stops stock still. She grunts and suddenly you fall into a world of pain.

You drop to the floor as she gets up and spits out blood. Your dick is a mangled mess. It hurts just looking at it.

"I warned you, didn't I?" she grunts, and gets back on the treadmill.

You somehow manage to stand up and wander out of the gym and into the emergency room of the nearest hospital. People look at your bleeding crotch and faint. Some doctors get you into an operating room and gas you until you lose consciousness.

You wake up in a hospital bed. You lift the blanket and check under your gown. There's a huge wad of bandages wrapped around your penis.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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