Squat down, and see what happens

From Create Your Own Story

"Okay, I'll get it for you." You walk over to the cabinet, sashaying your hips slightly, before squatting, ass-on-heels, to open the drawer. On the way down, you hear (and feel) the seam pop wide open. Ignoring it for the moment, you rifle through the drawer, finding the file in question.

You turn and stand, and see John's beet-red face. Your pussy dampens, and you quell the urge to touch your clit then and there. Feigning ignorance for another moment, you walk back over to the desk, feeling the breeze across your exposed mons. John stares at your crotch, mouth working a bit, but no words come out.

"Here's the file you asked for," you say, setting it on his desk. At that, you then follow his gaze down, and feign shock, your hands flying to your face. "Ohmigod! This is so terrible!" you whisper, secretly delighting in what happened, as you glance over your shoulder. Your pants are split from waistband to waistband, your zipper mangled. The only thing keeping your pants on at this point is the button.

What now?

Day 1 Clothing

Low-cut shirt, bra, panties, white pants (wet)

Health Horny, pussy and ass exposed
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