Snuggle up against Suzy, enjoying the afterglow

From Create Your Own Story

You nestle Suzy against you. She lets out a contented sigh and settles her head on your chest.

You wrap your arms around her and hold her securely in place. Suzy presses more firmly against you and gives your chest soft kisses.

You fall into a half-doze. You come fully awake when the door to Suzy's room opens. A pretty Asian woman is standing, naked, in the doorway. She's using her hands to pump dildos in and out of both her lower holes.

"This is my sister, Shinku," Suzy explains.

"Dinner's just about ready, sis," Shinku says. She acknowledges you with a nod, then walks away.

Health Horny Location:

The Doll House:Suzy's Bedroom

MP 0
Level 4
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