Slide your shirt over your head and let it drop to the floor

From Create Your Own Story

You turn away and glance back at this stranger while unbuttoning your blouse slowly. The white dress shirt slides off your shoulders revealing a thin lacy bra holding a pair of firm, breasts.

Without saying a word, he walks behind you and reaches around your body. You shiver as he cups each of your globes in his hands.

“My name is Ray Bergeron. You may call me Master. My little slave won’t be needing this,” he says calmly as he undoes the clasp and removes your bra, letting your beautiful breasts hang free, your pink nipples hardening as you blush.

"Yes... Master..." you slowly, but seductively whisper.

"Now come bend over the table," he commands.

You hesitate. "Now, slave!" he says. You obey and bend over the table.

You feel his hands flip your skirt up before swiftly yanking your panties down your thighs, then your calves and over your shoes before throwing them onto the table with a quick flick of his wrist. You feel exposed, your stomach knotting in shame and humiliation. Your bare, virgin pussy, is on display for this pervert to see.

You feel his strong hands slide down your arms, and then you hear the telltale sound of handcuffs being clasped on your wrists.

"Ummm..." you say before being cut off. He has covered your mouth with a ball gag.

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Asian Geek Girl
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