Show me the ass, and I'll kick it.

From Create Your Own Story

YOU: Just point me at them, and they'll be reaping a new tune! It's been a while since I've saved the galaxy from certain destruction, I figure I'm overdue.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: Now that's what I like to hear! It's convenient that you came out of stasis early, actually, Commander, because it just so happens there's a human colony being attacked RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND.

YOU: Wow. Good timing.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN : You got that right. (Stubbing out cigar, leaning forward) I'm going to be sending you to Freedoms Progress. They just got abducted five seconds ago, so you should get there right before anyone else. I want you to find who's kidnapping these colonist. What's their modus operandi, what's their motivations. Is it actually the Reapers, or is it just slavers or something and I just wasted a billion credits bringing you back. That sort of thing. Find that out, Shepard, and we'll talk again.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: There's a shuttle waiting for you, Commander. Good to finally talk to you.

The HOLOGRAM PROJECTOR ROOM swims back into view. You are alone.

Do you:

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