Shoot away. You never cared about him anyway

From Create Your Own Story

You don't have time to think. You fire the Uzi at your brother. He drops to the ground, dead.

Georgie screams and raises an enormous combat knife. She starts to charge, but you cut her down as well. As she falls, the knife she's holding slices across her boyfriend's arm, severing an artery. He falls on top of her and bleeds to death within moments.

"United in death, as in life," you murmur, looking around.

Suddenly you hear screams nearby. Through a door you hadn't seen, more bodies fall into the room.

"It's just us two," says a female voice. Vanessa Smarth (Girl #19) is staring at you, a rifle in her hands. She looks at the Uzi you're holding. "Either we shoot it out right here, or we put these silly weapons down and go at it with knives, like honorable gladiators. I'll drop my gun if you drop yours."

Character: Brooke Harris
Alive: 2 students
Hours Remaining: 13
Weapons Aquired: Butcher Knife, Hatchet, Arrow, Gun, Uzi, Machete
Friends: Girl #17 Jenn Penn (ELIMINATED), Girl #18 Ayane Akiko (ELIMINATED), Girl #6 Kim Rhodes (ELIMINATED), Girl #5 Samantha Fulton (ELIMINATED), Girl #15 JC Lee (ELIMINATED)
Kills: Zeke Davidson and Trisha Harrison and Diane Fule and Hannah Allens and Nancy Allen and Sean Fergurson and Nick Harris and Georgie Sander

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